Aug 14, 2008

Rick Warren: Global Leader

Rick Warren was recently featured in the latest TIME magazine. In it he was reported as a highly successful pastor who quickly became the jack of all trades. What caught my attention was the following paragraph:

"The only worry one might have about Rick Warren," says Michael Cromartie, a prominent Washington Evangelical with the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, "is that he gets so many balls going up in the air that one might ask, 'Does he have enough hands to catch them?'" Warren has clearly heard this before. "God has given me the ability to manage my time pretty well," he says. "I can handle a lot of balls." Everything he does, he claims, feeds everything else. "I'm a door opener and a bridge builder," he insists. "If I weren't doing it, I'd be dead and in my grave."

No doubt he has been used quite amazingly by God with his book, PEACE program, and all. But as many of his predecessors showed, one's major strength can well be one's major weakness. He is now walking on a tightrope juggling so many balls. A person with 21 commitments will never be effective no matter how amazingly talented he or she is. Setting a limit for ourselves to and only to the portion God wants us to get involved is a key to ministry longevity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good idea about Rick Warren, but I have other opinion about his church. According to his seminar in Indonesia, He encourage congregation to involve in church ministry, not only the Priest. But I have other view about his teaching who similar with Ten Commandments, completely become basic principle to all their activity. If it become culture in their church, their eyes will not easy to see Jesus anymore. The history replays again in next age, like in Jesus age.


Iman Kristen.