Aug 25, 2008

ESV Study Bible

I have enjoyed all sneak previews of the ESV Study Bible (primarily through the blog of Justin Taylor, its project managing director) which have been continually presented to the public. For those of you who miss all that, you can catch up with all the news before purchasing your own copy of this much-anticipated Study Bible at its website. Don't forget to check out its blog in one of the menu.

What I found valuable are things like superb articles on Reading the Bible written by people like J.I. Packer (pp. 1-2), Leland Ryken (pp. 3-4), John Piper (pp. 4-6), David Powlison (pp. 6-8), and R. Kent Hughes (pp. 8-10).

Here is a video presentation about the ESV Study Bible:

HT: Justin Taylor

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