Jan 17, 2008

O'Donovan's on Morally Awake

If you fancy weighty theological stuff, here is the 2007 New College Lecture Series by Professor Oliver O'Donovan, entitled Morally awake? Admiration and resolution in the light of Christian faith. Here is a snapshot:

There is one metaphor in Scripture that seems to me to capture the dynamic of moral thinking, and that is “wakefulness”. The metaphor of wakefulness draws our attention to the fact that moral attention faces in more than one direction: to reality as it is, to possibility as it has yet to be realised, and to ourselves as actors. It brings together attentiveness and alertness: attentiveness to the realities that present themselves, alertness in responding to them. So it captures the nuclear core of our moral experience, the sense of being so situated in the world that certain practical dispositions are elicited from us. At the same time it forces us to look from our routine moral experience to the ultimate question of our final destiny.

The full pdf text and mp3 file are available here.

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