"Take a book of the Bible and read it repetitiously for 30 days. And here’s how I did it. I took the book of 1 John, 1 John has five chapters and I read 1 John every day for 30 days, just simply read it in the same version 30 times in a row. In fact I became so enthralled by it that I actually broke the pattern on the first book and read it ninety days in a row. But at the end of 30 days I knew what was in 1 John just because of the repetitious reading. In fact, I began to visualize my Bible and if anybody asked me to this day what it says in 1 John 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 I’m pretty familiar with that because of repetition. That’s how your mind retains things. In fact if somebody says, “Where in the Bible does it say,`If we confess our sins He is faithful and just,’” that’s easy, 1 John chapter 1 left hand page, right hand column halfway down. You know, you begin to visualize your Bible because of the familiarity of the text as you go over it and over it and over it.”
The above quote is taken from the transcript of one of his sermons you can find here.
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