Sebuah buku yg baru terbit tahun 2007 kemarin tentang apologetika yang di-edit oleh seorang pakar dibidangnya, Dr Ravi Zacharias, berjudul Beyond Opinion: Living the Faith We Defend. Buku ini layak beli bagi mereka yang rindu untuk diperlengkapi untuk dapat hidup dengan konfiksi terhadap iman Kristen yang seringkali diminta pertanggungjawabannya oleh dunia.
Berikut teaser dari Penerbitnya:
Respected apologist Ravi Zacharias was once sharing his faith with a Hindu when the man asked: "If the Christian faith is truly supernatural, why is it not more evident in the lives of so many Christians I know?" The question hit hard, and this book is an answer. Its purpose is to equip Christians everywhere to simultaneously defend the faith and be transformed by it into people of compassion. In addition to writing several chapters himself, Ravi Zacharias brings together many of today's leading apologists and Christian teachers, including Alister McGrath and John Lennox, to address topics present in the very future of worldwide Christianity-from the process of spiritual transformation to the challenges posed by militant atheism and a resurgent Islam. Destined to become a classic, Beyond Opinion is a touchstone that will affect Christians around the world.
Bagi yang masih penasaran, silakan baca dulu dua chapter yang tersedia free dari website RZIM:
Intro Chapter dari Ravi Zacharias berjudul An Apologetic for Apologetics
Artikel dari staff RZIM L.T. Jeyachandran berjudul: The Trinity as a Paradigm for Spiritual Transformation
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