Parable of the Doughnuts
The story of a man whose weakness is eating doughnut
(adapted from Randy Alcorn, The Purity Principle)
“No more doughnuts”, his doctor says.
He vows to God, “No more doughnuts”.
He promises his family, “No more doughnuts”.
He calls the church - gets it on the prayer line.
He even goes to a doughnut deliverance ministry to have the demon of donut desire cast out of him
He means business!
But then, what does he do?
He goes right on reading about doughnuts,
listening to doughnut music,
watching TV about making doughnuts.
He spends time with other doughnut lovers,
talking about doughnuts,
joking about them at the office -
where he glances at doughnut calendars on the wall.
He looks through the newspaper for doughnut coupons
and subscribes to Doughnuts Desires, with its glossy, color photos.
Well, it’s not long before he’s driving to work and “just happens” to go by a doughnuts shop.
He rolls down his window and inhales.
Pretty soon, he’s buying his morning paper from the rack just outside the doughnuts shop.
He’s lingering just long enough to glance at the doughnuts through the window.
Then he remembers that he has to check some emails
And hey, this donut shop has an internet connection.
And while I’m there anyway, “Why not have a cup of coffee?”
Guess what, they have have a special on today, coffee and doughnut! for just $2.99
Now remember, this man has no intention of breaking his vow and eating doughnuts!.
But the totally predictable and inevitable result is ...
He’ll give in and eat doughnuts!.
And can't you just hear his sad lament?
"What went wrong? I prayed! I asked others to pray. I asked God for deliverance. But look what happens!"
"Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death." James 1:13-15)
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