Jun 1, 2009

Finishing a sermon series

I finally finished my six-part sermon series on The Call of God, The Transformer of Life taken from Genesis 12-22. Personally while those weekends became anything but relaxing for me (preparing sermons does not get easier with experiences), I learned an awful lot about God and His covenant with His people. I haven't got the chance to post my sermon summary on this blog; several people encouraged me to turn them into a book in Indonesian.

Here is in a nutshell, what I preached last Sunday. It is in Indonesian though, but the prayer that follows, taken from the sermon, is in English.
Let us put our faith not on faith itself
But to the object of our faith, God himself,
To Jehovah Jireh, the Lord who provides.

Let us be obedient unto HIM like Abraham
Not by trying harder but by trusting more on God
Who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all.

The God who stopped Abraham from offering up his son
The God who Himself did not stop His own Son to be offered up
Because of His love for us, because of His love for us
O Sinners and Saints, believe in Him, live for Him, obey Him.

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