Dec 15, 2009

Approved by God

Ray Ortlund posted the following quote from Henri Nouwen a while ago, which reminds me about how we should establish our sense of self or self-identity and self-image securely on the basis of God's acceptance.
A voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:17

“There are many other voices speaking — loudly:
“Prove you’re worth something.”
“Prove you have any contribution to make.”
“Do something relevant.” . . .
These are the voices Jesus heard right after he heard, “You are my beloved.”

Another voice said, “Prove you are the beloved. Do something. Change these stones into bread. Be sure you’re famous. Jump from the temple, and you will be known. Grab some power so you have real influence.” . . .

Jesus said, “No, I don’t have to prove anything. I am already the beloved.”

Henri Nouwen, Leadership Magazine, Spring 1995.
There is more than one way to be strong. We can be strong with the dark energy of anxiety, because we need approval, or we can be strong with the bright energy of assurance, because we are already approved.


Jeff Adams said...

You offer some powerful thoughts on this blog. I may not fully agree with everything you write. But then, I suppose the same would be said in reverse. No one has cornered the market of truth. But the few, the rare, sentences I might read twice and still not grasp, arrest my thinking and challenge me. Wonderful blog. Thank you.

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