Dec 13, 2007


The Maker of man became man

that He, Ruler of the stars,
might be nourished at the breast;

that He, the Bread,
might be hungry;

that He, the Fountain,
might thirst;

that He, the Light,
might sleep;

that He, the Way,
might be wearied by the journey;

that He, the Truth,
might be accused by false witnesses;

that He, the Judge of the living and the dead,
might be brought to trial by a mortal judge;

that He, Justice,
might be condemned by the unjust;

that He, Discipline,
might be scourged with whips;

that He, the Foundation,
might be suspended upon a cross;

that Courage might be weakened;

that Security might be wounded;

that Life might die

~ St. Augustine, Sermons on the Liturgical Seasons, Trans. Sister Mary Sarah Muldowney, R.S.M., Vol. 38 in The Fathers of the Church, ed. Roy Joseph Deferrari (New York: Fathers of the Church, Inc.), p. 28.

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