Jan 23, 2007

Consecrate and Concentrate

A young man once heard British evangelist Henry Varley said in his sermon:
The world has yet to see what God will do with and for and through and in and by the man who is fully and wholly consecrated to Him.

The young man was well on his way to pursue the great American dream, but he can't get that sentence off his mind. Instead he thought:

The evangelist did not say a great man, nor a learned man, nor a rich man, nor a wise man, nor an eloquent man, nor a smart man, but simply a man. I am a man, and it lies with the man himself whether he will or will not make that entire and full consecration.

Finally, he knelt down and prayed to his God to take his life and use it as He pleases. He then wrote:

The first thing a man must do if he desires to be used in the Lord’s work is to make an unconditional surrender of himself to God. He must consecrate and then concentrate. A man who does not put his whole life into one channel does not count for much.

God used Dwight L. Moody as a vessle for noble use, leading countless people to know Christ Jesus.

The lesson for us all is summarized in 2 Tim 2:20-21. In the words of John Stott: "If the promise is to be inherited ('he will be a vessel for noble use'), the condition must be fulfilled ('if anyone purifies himself from what is ignoble')."

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